Monday, November 17, 2008

PB Images....

Hi again, my friend Elaine gave me these fab images at the weekend and this lovely wallet card just thought I'd share them with you, hopefully sometime this week I'll get time to play with them.....They are mostly PB images which I've always been meaning to get around to buying so I'm really excited and can't wait to colour them. We decided a few months ago to start a little swap with each other usual I forgot...(too much going on in my life at the moment) so I was really surprised when Elaine gave me this on Friday they are so cute!!!
Thanks again Elaine.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute pictures :)! But I do like your page background :)!
    will be back to see what you made :)!

    Rita :)


Hi! Thanks so much for your lovely comment, I love reading them and appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog xx Vee